Jackie's World

Welcome to my brain...ENJOY!

Friday, June 30, 2006

It must be Friday...

So we have a new toy at work....a MAC that allows you to distort pictures. Check out the link below for more pictures of me, Dave, Sean, and Jeremy.


Monday, June 26, 2006

I know I'm a dork...you don't have to remind me...

I am a reality show junkie. I can't help it...it's a sickness!! This summer, they have brought back the show Big Brother....but it's the All-Star Edition. This is how it works....20 past contestants are brought back, but only 12 get voted in. The top 3 men and top 3 women are automatically in. They have not said how the final 6 get in....I'm assuming that the top 6 each get to pick on more player. Intrigued? I am!

Since you've read this far....please go to this website and vote for Kaysar, Janelle, and Howie. They are all from last season and they are BAD ASS!


Friday, June 23, 2006

Kudos to Shimp for a killer BBQ!

Not too much going on this past weekend, but I did have fun at my friend Jon's (Shimp) BBQ.
He is a master BBQ-man. He recently competed in a Food Network BBQ challenge. His team's pork shoulder came in 4th place in the world and his sauce took 1st place!

On Saturday, Karen, Chad, Owen, Eddy and I went over to Shimp's house for beer and BBQ. He smoked the pork shoulder for 16 hours and it was amazing! We ended up staying until 2 am, drinking beer and playing poker. ( I lost with Trip Jacks...ugh!) But the great company and the food was well worth the loss.

(Andy, Shimp, & Mystery BBQ guy with the Food Network trophy)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Busy Weekend...

Friday night we went out to celebrate my mom and sister's birthday. Happy 30th Valerie....and Happy ??? Mom!

Saturday night, Karen and I went out with her friend Kelley to see the band Sixteen Candles up at Austin's. http://sixteencandlesband.com/main.html

This band was unreal. I was blown away from the very first second they started playing. It didn't hurt that they started the evening off with Simple Minds "Don't you forget about me"...which was great, cuz I had just finished watching The Breakfast Club before K-Dogg came to pick me up. We only made it thought the first set, as the place was unbelievably packed. There must have been 500 people crammed into this teen-tiny space. We had so much fun dancing...I'm still hurting! Their playlist is amazing. I forgot how much I love the 80s! They are playing Cubby Bear North on June 30th if anyone is interested!

For Father's Day on Sunday, we all headed up to mom and Rob's house for dinner....and apparently to watch golf ALL DAY LONG! (ugh) Ed went down to the city to hang with his family, so I was flying solo. My dad was in town so we went to mom's and hung out with Valerie and Brian. Brian's P's and his brother were over there too. It was a nice chance for the families to hang out. Rob went all out...he made steak and shrimp...delicious! I think we all passed out super early last night. Thanks mom and Rob...it was awesome!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Criss Angel--Crazy F'n Stuff!

...and in typical Sean G. fashion...he laughed his ass off when he saw this.

Very sensitive, Sean! :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Battle of the Bands

Whiskey Sin played in the 95.1 Wil Rock Battle of the Bands on Wednesday night at Austin's. I know this post is late, but better late than never, right? They rocked out as usual and got a ton of cheers. The 2nd band was pretty good...the lead singer kinda sucked, but their guitarist was frickin amazing! They ended up winning...but we think they were friends with the contest runners as they were hanging out before the show and goofing around....Wisconsin radio show...Wisconsin band? Sounds pretty sketchy to me...but I could be a little biased. The 3rd band was awful...very whiny and high-schoolish.

Too bad for me...Tony kept his shirt on this time :(


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

...and the winner is....Chadley!

I've got to give props to my boy Chad. At lunch today, I bet the guys $5 to see who could chug their cup-o-baked beans. Chad was a true champion...taking it down in one big gulp!
Good job honey--you are my hero!
Love you babe!

Let me save you $10--DON'T see The Omen

The picture above speaks volumes. This is exactly how I felt after wasting 2 hours trying to stay awake through The Omen....pouty, cranky, and evil! There were only 3 "scary" parts of the movie and the rest was...YAWN! If I wasn't there with my friends, I would've walked out. Save your money people--don't go see this movie!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My Stripper Song Is....

Your Stripper Song Is

Toxic by Britney Spears

"With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic I'm slippin' under"

You may dance for someone - but only to weaken their defenses.
Funny story behind this--Sean played this song over and over until I couldn't stand it anymore....and now it's my stripper song!

Monday, June 05, 2006

It was Beer O' Clock this weekend!

Ah--my 3 newest friends. As my drinking buddies know, I'm not much of a beer drinker. Give me some Stoli and I'm good for hours....but 3 beers and I'm out!

So Friday night went out with some friends from work. It was a lovely night consisting of Hooters, Miller Lite and Long Islands. Quite a comob! We all enjoyted watching Sean try to eat a plate of 911 wings. Sucka!

Saturday went to a friend's house, drank some Coor's light, and just chilled out for a bit.

Sunday hung out at the pool with my sis. I've got a killer tan going, which kicks off the summer nicely. After the pool, the rest of the fam came over for a BBQ and we all enjoyed some Heineken Lights.

Here's to you Miller, Coor's, and Heinken! What a weekend!

Friday, June 02, 2006

White boys can dance....oh wait...no they can't!