Jackie's World

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Another Christmas come and gone....

Christmas has come and gone...and I'm tired. Eddy and I stopped by Grandma's on Christmas Eve and then headed down to Orland Park to see his family. The drive there and back isn't that bad, but after a few Captain&Cokes, it seems very long. Christmas morning, we woke up early to open presents. Ed says I act like a 4 year old when it comes to presents...what's so wrong with that? Rocky made out like a bandit this year...I think he got more presents that Eddy and I combined. I wonder who's fault that is! :-)

Eddy went back to his parents' house and Val and I spent the day with Mom & Rob. It was a great day. I'm not sure when I grew up, but I had more fun watching mom open up her presents. A little role reversal I guess.

I got a lot of nice presents. Overall, it was a great Christmas....and more presents to come...my birthday is only 8 days away (hint hint!)


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