Jackie's World

Welcome to my brain...ENJOY!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

...a new picture of baby Hannah :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A New Gillette!

Congrats to Sean, Jenn, and big bro Trent!

Hannah Grace was born at 7:33 pm on May 26th.
She weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz, and was 22" long.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Memorial Day

A lot of people take Memorial Day for granted. To most people it's just a day off of work. I'd like to take a moment to share my grampa's story with everyone. He was a true hero and I loved him very much. He was 2nd Lt. Donald J. Hyerdall. A bombardier in the 96th Bomb Group, 337th Bomb Squadron who was shot down (for the first time) September 19, 1944 over Frankfurt, Germany.

He passed away on the 4th of July, which is very fitting. It was his favorite holiday. He threw the greatest 4th of July parties at his house every year. The holiday meant a lot to him---to all of us. He had a heart of gold and was the funniest man I ever knew. He was the glue that kept our family together.

Please do me a favor and read his story. It is amazing.


So while you are enjoying your day off of work on Monday, please remember the people who made it possible.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Whiskey Sin plays again this Friday

Whiskey Sin is playing this Friday at Penny Road Pub. http://www.pennyroadpub.com

The band goes on between 9 and 10. There is a $7 cover and you have to mention Whiskey Sin at the door, as there are a few bands playing that night.

Here is a list of songs that they cover...plus they have a bunch of originals.

Animal - Pearl Jam
Baton Rouge - The Nixons
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Cochise - Audioslave
Crackerman - STP
Dirty Little Thing - Velvet Revolver
Fall To Pieces - Velvet Revolver
Fire - Jimi Hendrix
Fuel - Metallica
Gasoline - Audioslave
Have A Cigar - Foo Fighters cover of Pink Floyd
Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
It's So Easy - Guns 'n Roses
Just Because - Jane's Addiction
Killing In The Name - Rage Against the Machine
Know Your Enemy - Rage Against the Machine
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
Nighttrain - Guns 'n Roses
Nutshell - Alice In Chains
Outshined - Soundgarden
Porch - Pearl Jam
Slither - Velvet Revolver
Sonic Reducer - Pearl Jam
Unglued - STP
What Is And What Should Never Be - Led Zeppelin
Would? - Alice in Chains

Check out their website for more info: http://whiskeysin.com/

Monday, May 22, 2006

24 finale is finally here!

Day Five is finally coming to a close, after a traumatic season-long 24 hours, underscored by a presidential assassination and the threat of a nerve gas release. As the clock ticks down to the day's final minutes, Jack (Kiefer Sutherland) tries to avenge the loss of innocent lives as well as former CTU cohorts Edgar Stiles, Tony Almeida, Michelle Dessler and Lynn McGill. The investigation takes an unbelievable turn, and shocking (shocking, I tell you!) developments are ultimately uncovered. This two-hour season finale is chockfull o' guest stars, including Julian Sands, Peter Weller and Paul McCrane.

Grin and "Barrett"

What a series between the Cubs and Sox this weekend! Eddy was at the game on Saturday and witnessed the love fest between Michael Barrett and AJ Pierzynski. Not much to say about that, as Eddy believes that the Sox can do no wrong...and I know that the Cubs can do no wrong. Good series though... atleast the Cubs took one of the games. Not sure if I could deal with them being swept!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Cross town Classic begins today! (Go Cubs!)

The cross town classic. I love it! This series always provokes fighting at my house. Eddy was born and raised on the southside--a true Sox fan. I, on the other hand, was raised a Cubs fan. Most years the Sox win...if I recall correctly, the Sox took the series 4-2 last season. However, I did attend the one game at Cellular Field last season when the Cubs won. It was great...Ed's entire family was there and I got to rub it in their faces . A very rare moment! I would love to see a Cubs sweep this weekend, but would settle for 2 out of 3. I could use some bragging rights. GO CUBBIES!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Evolution of Dance---In 6 Minutes!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Why polar bears and little girls are not friends

Sweet Revenge

For those of you in the know....this is for Owen!
If you need any helpful revenge advice, please let me know!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Take a Quiz: How well do you know Jackie?

Post your scores in the comments section when you're done!

Friday, May 12, 2006


I have to say that I had the worst day at work. It was such a Murphy's Law kind of day. So I'm packing up to go home and I come across a CD that has pictures of my puppy. I put the CD in and up came this beautiful picture of my Rocky boy...smiling right at me. I have to say that it put a smile on my face and made my whole day better.

Oh--and Karen....LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dancing Fools!

So yesterday, most of my team went to the IS Outing at Gameworks. I actually had much more fun than I thought I would. I mean, they gave us free lunch and free beer tokens, so how bad could it actually be? Stacey, Owen, Sean and I (my team, minus Scott) and other IS support associates had a great time racing, shooting and drinking. Best of all, Sean and I did something that neither of us are proud of.

For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a game where you have to dance to the beat of a techno song. You stand on a square in the middle and you have to follow the arrows on your screen and touch the correct square with your feet (left, front, right, behind) in whatever order the game chooses. Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, it sucks. Sean and I suck.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bird Flu Hits Florida!

Ok---I know this isn't really funny, but I got a giggle out of it.

Another Weasel on 24

What an SOB! Just as President Logan was about to blow his brains out, this weasel calls Logan and helps him out.

So Jack escapes certain death AGAIN and gets the tape of Logan back to CTU. Chloe was cleaning up the tape and getting ready to hand it over to proper authorities, when Weasel Boy (Miles) demagnetizes the tape. With only 3 episodes left, Logan is getting closer and closer to getting away with his acts of terrorism.

Come on Jack...take this bastard down!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

South Korea's Got Seoul

South Korean scientists say they have created the world's second android -- a female named EveR-1.The android can understand about 400 words, speak, blink her eyes and display several facial expressions, The Korea Times reported Thursday.Japan developed the first android in 2003.Scientists from the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology presented their android during an exhibition at the Seoul Education Culture Center.EveR-1 -- a name that combines Eve and robot -- looks like a Korean female in her early 20s, the Times reported, noting that, from a distance, the android might be mistaken for a real person.EveR-1 amply demonstrates (South Korean) robotic technologies are at the forefront in the world, said senior institute scientist Baeg Moon-hong."For now, EveR-1 can be employed as a guide robot at museums and department stores or as an educational model to read books to children,'' Baeg said.But we are looking further ahead, he told the newspaper. We are working on upgrading the android with the aim of making it move its legs by the end of this year. It will be able to sit down and stand up by then.

Kind of a cool story. I actually just needed a story about South Korea so I could use this awesome picture.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Funny Prank Aimed at Best Buy

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Is this the end for Dr. Forman?

God Bless House, M.D.! For this week only, I do not have to wait a 7 long days to see the gorgeous Dr. House. Last night, Dr. Forman was put into isolation, for what I think is the bird flu. The patient that passed the illness onto Dr. Forman has already died. House, Chase and Cameron are still trying to find out what is killing Forman. Will they kill off a main character? Stay tuned tonight to find out....and maybe Dr. House will make a house call to make us feel better...HOLLA!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

In Case You Forgot...

If We Could Only Be So Lucky...

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are flying on Air Force One.
The President looks at the Vice President, chuckles, and says, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window right now and make somebody very happy."
The Vice President shrugs and says, "Well, I could throw 10 $100 bills out the window and make 10 people very happy."
Not to be outdone, the Secretary of Defense says, "Of course, then, I could throw 100 $10 bills out the window and make a hundred people very happy."
The pilot rolls his eyes and says to his co-pilot, "Such arrogant asses back there. Hell, I could throw the three of them out the window and make 56 million people unbelievably happy."

Jack Bauer for President!

OMFG!! How is it possible that 24 gets better each week? With most shows you get a great episode and then weeks of not-so-special episodes. The writers at 24 just keep going and going with great shows. I am at the edge of my seat every week. Like Sean said a few weeks back, you need the commercial breaks just to catch your breath.

So right now, Jack has highjacked a plane and has found the audiotape of President Logan admitting that he was involved in President Palmer's assassination. Logan's Secret Service guys are waiting for Jack when the plane lands. How will he bypass Secret Service? Skydive out of the plane? Didn't he do that in Season 2? Can't wait to find out!

Yo Quiero Taco Bell

Uh-oh...we better think twice! No more burritos? What are we supposed to do at 3:00 in the morning, when we're drunk off our butts?

Come on America! Let's make this work for the sake of burritos!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Whiskey Sin + Miller Lite = Good Times!

What can I say? Whiskey Sin was f'n amazing this weekend! So I may be a little biased, but everyone at the bar was totally into the band. Even the bartenders were raving about how great Whiskey Sin was! What a great show.

I can not wait until their next show...wait for the plug...here it is....

Where: Penny Road Pub (upstairs stage) in Barrington
When: May 26th

New pics from the show: http://whiskeysin.com

Great job Brian! Loved it!

Bow to me.

I am the princess of the World! Bow before me.