Jackie's World

Welcome to my brain...ENJOY!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It All Comes Down To Sunday

My bet with Sean comes down to the last game of the regular season. With the Bears at 13-2 and the Pack at 7-8, Sean needs the Bears to win to get my $5 and I need the Pack to win to get his $5.

Our original bet: Sean said the Bears would win twice as many games as the Packers.

I figured the entire division would suck, including the Bears. I was right, except for the Bears--they've been very lucky. Granted, I've had a lot of fun watching (and rooting) for the Bears, for pride, I would like to win the bet. :-)

Best of luck to you Sean!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Another Christmas come and gone....

Christmas has come and gone...and I'm tired. Eddy and I stopped by Grandma's on Christmas Eve and then headed down to Orland Park to see his family. The drive there and back isn't that bad, but after a few Captain&Cokes, it seems very long. Christmas morning, we woke up early to open presents. Ed says I act like a 4 year old when it comes to presents...what's so wrong with that? Rocky made out like a bandit this year...I think he got more presents that Eddy and I combined. I wonder who's fault that is! :-)

Eddy went back to his parents' house and Val and I spent the day with Mom & Rob. It was a great day. I'm not sure when I grew up, but I had more fun watching mom open up her presents. A little role reversal I guess.

I got a lot of nice presents. Overall, it was a great Christmas....and more presents to come...my birthday is only 8 days away (hint hint!)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Christmas is almost here! Get out your leg lamp and settle in for 24 hours of A Christmas Story. I own this movie, but for some reason, I only watch it during the Christmas Eve marathon. ...and I'll watch it for hours on end. What other movie can you watch back-to-back-to-back?

For the first time in years, my Christmas shopping is done early and I stayed within my budget. That never happens!

I hope everyone out there has a fun and safe holiday! ...and good presents too!